When A { Blonde's } DIY Life first started my colors for the blog were navy and kelly green, or that's what I was going for. However, I soon changed the colors as I found too many other blogs using that color scheme, and I just didn't want some blog that looked like what everyone else had!
The more I got into designing the images and layout you see here on the blog, the more I fell in love with this color combo, navy and hot pink!! I've fallen so hard for this color combo, it's started to make an appearance in my wardrobe! Check out a few of the pieces I've added to my wardrobe recently!!
You can find this Lilly Pulitzer tunic top
This scarf is a favorite of mine!! Also Lilly Pulitzer, but I don't believe you can find if for sale any more! It sold out fast!
Do you see my gold glittery circles?!?! I loved adding them to the image for the new link party!!
So how about some gold glitter shoes!!
I just ordered these online from JCrew! Bonus they are currently an extra 30% off their sale price of $99, originally $215! You can find them
Here are a few things I don't currently have, but I LOVE them!!
Gotta love super cute workout gear!!
Of course I had to check out my new favorite color combo on Pinterest for a little p-inspiration!
ooooo laaah la! I think I NEED a pink and navy room now!!
So have you all fallen for a new color combo lately?!?! Have you fallen for the color combo of A {Blonde's} DIY Life?!?